About Detria

My greatest accomplishment is knowing Him. And I'm still learning more about Him, and falling more and more in love with Him. Him, who knew me before I was born. Who knew that I would live a sinful life and still chose to die for me. My Savior. My King. My Lord. Jesus Christ. But before that…
I was born to two loving, but strict parents. I have three sisters, no brothers. Developing long-lasting friendships was (and still is) hard. My father was in the military and we moved around a lot. But I’ve encountered some wonderful people throughout my life. After graduating high school in the early 90’s, I met one of those wonderful people at NC State. He was working at Fountain Dining Hall and he was fine! We kindled feelings for each other while hanging out and watching the latest episodes of Martin and Living Single. He became my boyfriend, then my fiancé, and for over 26 years now, my husband. By the way, with gray hair now sprinkled in his beard, he’s even more fine! A lot of my experience and exercises in prayer have been centered around keeping my marriage, then keeping it strong, then having it soar and thrive! That's the ugly, but also beautifully honest truth.
My parents will say that I wanted to be a lawyer before I knew what it meant. This desire came from the Lord. I wasn’t the traditional law school student, though. The Lord opened the door for me to attend when I was married with two small toddlers. The transition from stay-at-home mom to full time law student was hard. But do you know how the Lord sustained me? Prayer.
One day, shortly after graduating law school, it was in prayer that the Lord impressed upon me to start homeschooling my children. How odd? I didn’t know any other homeschoolers and certainly there were none that looked like our family in my inner circle. But I did my due diligence to research and prepare and we forged ahead. There was a time they went back to public school before we resumed homeschooling for good. They had some really good days in public school. They had some really good days in our homeschool. There were hard days in public school. There were hard days in our homeschool. But without prayer (you get the idea now, right?) we wouldn’t have been able to successfully graduate two intelligent, strong children from our homeschool.
Today, Virgil, Sr. and I are blessed to parent two budding adults. Virgil, II pursuing his masters in violin performance at the Juilliard School in NYC. Check him out here. Victoria is pursuing a Bachelors in Marketing. Think of Katy Perry’s Roar and you've got Victoria. Raising these two and watching them grow and find their way has been another exercise in…you guessed it- PRAYER! And as we’re in a current state of transition as they gain more independence, I’m on my knees even more.
I'm excited about this new journey of sharing of my writings and thoughts with the world. It will be interesting to see where this leads. What helps pay the bills, however, is my work as a Senior Instructor at Western Governors University. I'm also a consummate volunteer in my community. When I'm not teaching or writing, I'm likely working and volunteering with my church Cornerstone Community Church, organizing all fall product and Girl Scout cookie sales for my entire area, serving at the Parkview Mission, or ushering at the Academy Center of the Arts.
God is on the move and I’m so excited that I have a relationship with Him. It's my pleasure to do the will of my Father. I love that I get to participate with Him in prayer. I’m also thrilled at the opportunity to participate with YOU in prayer. Let’s go!

Catch me here as well:
Contributing Writer for Our Given Purpose
Guest Post at Into My Thoughts
Guest Post at Ladies Drawing Nigh